#9 Join the Group Clues Crossword Puzzle

c 2000 Richard Klimesh

Published in the March 2001 Issue of Anvil Magazine

2. a separation of the white line: seedy _______
5. factory made
8. now AWCF
9. Scott's hoof shape: pointed toe, straight quarters, sharp turn at heels, widest across the rear third
10. qualified by the Guild to instruct
12. highest level of certification awarded by the B.W.F.A.
14. at Iron Works Pike
15. hammer used to shape shoes
16. awarded by the W.C.F.
18. comes in leather and plastic
20. means a shoe is set close to the edge of the hoof
21. connects the heels
22. equalizer: _______ chain
23. second word of IUJH
24. aka calkin
25. what we do
26. bend the end
27. GPF first word
28. reverse shoe, or _______ toe eggbar
30. electric or _______ welder
1. can be used to cut and to join
3. oval bar shoe
4. part of hoof that carries weight: _______ surface
5. 100 pounds of shoes
6. brand of rasps from 1832 to now
7. AFA recognition for student and novice farriers
9. what more horses need for shoeing
11. Scott's hoof shape: generally round; widest part midway between the toe and the heels
12. became Channellock in 1963
13. highest award of the W.C.F.
14. Anvil editor
17. forge lining: _______ clay
19. even weight distribution
21. used for traction and wear
24. shoeing with no forge
25. a wedge that's thicker at the toe
26. toe, quarter, side, money
29. gymnasts do it to a landing; we do it to a shoe

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